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Our Construction Management services, administered by experienced
construction managers and administrators, effectively minimize your risk and maximize your return on investment.
Design Build Concepts uses a construction management system to administer the construction
of your facility. Rather than taking a general contractor approach, the use of a construction manager allows DBC
to act as a representative of your financial institution. While the relationship and methodology differs from a
general contractor, we do maintain and take responsibility for the GC licenses required for all construction that
we manage.
As a Construction Manager, we act as your agent, which benefits you in a number of ways:
Unparalleled Experience: Over 49 years and 4,500 completed financial facilities
On-Time and On-Budget
Industry Leading Construction Standards
Utilize Local Subcontractors (Keep construction dollars in your community!)
Input into the Subcontractor Selection Process
Experienced, Full-Time On-Site Project Management
Open Book Process - You See & Approve Every Penny
We Share Cost Overruns/Underruns
Total Accountability
Exceptional Warranty and Follow-Up
Click here
to view images of a few current construction projects.